Who would be in your story?
I ran a writing workshop at the first meeting of the Campsie Writers’ Group, which I have just attended. I had the idea to divide a piece of paper into four equal sections, each section of which was a different part of the story. The idea was to have fun and see how the completed story would turn out.
We began the workshop by thinking about a character we would like to have in our story, then filled in the first section of the worksheet with the start of the story.
The top of the paper was folded over to the top of the second section hiding what had just been written. The pieces of paper were then handed to the person to the left and the second section filled in.
The top of the paper was folded to the top of the third section. The third and fourth sections were completed in the same way.
Then we read out the stories! This was great fun and the results all very different. I then handed out a sheet with the words – What happened next? – on it.
We all wrote some more of our or a new story and read the results out to each other. It was very interesting to hear everyone’s different writing styles.
I really enjoyed leading this workshop and hope everyone enjoyed taking part.
Which character would you like to be in a story? How would your story start?
(Image courtesy of Pixabay)
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