Exciting progress and an excellent read.
Life is a bit of a whirlwind at the moment. I have been busy putting my Summer Creative Writing Class flyers everywhere and talking to people about the Writing Class. Now my thoughts are turning to preparing all the materials I will need for each child.
I have to write my thoughts down whenever they strike because otherwise they can disappear and I have to wait until they reappear. The next task is to buy the folders I am going to need.
I have recently started reading again and am currently reading 'The High Lord' by Trudi Canavan. This book is the third in a trilogy. I have read these books before and know I have them somewhere in the house.
I had to go to the library to get 'The High Lord' because I finished the second book, 'The Novice', and couldn't easily find 'The High Lord' in the bookcase!
What are you doing?
I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contact me.