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There's more to do than I thought!

There's more to do than I thought!

There’s more to do than I thought! 

I have been creating a mindmap of all the information that needs to go into Book 3 of Serena’s Adventures. 

This way I can see, at a glance, exactly what information I need to add to the basic book format. 

Something’s are expected eg a new story. Something’s caught me by surprise. I wasn’t on Instagram when the children reviewed Book 2. I have also changed from Claire Miller Author to Claire Miller Story Creator. 

It seems like I have blinked and changed, without me noticing. 

I feel it’s such a short period of time, to have such big changes in how I think about myself and what I do in my life. 

I wonder – what will happen next? 

Have you noticed changes in your life? If yes, what did you think of them? 

Changing a child’s life is one of the most important things we can do in our life. In my interactive Story Creating book, I Can Create Stories (Story Edition), children can gain self-confidence through listening to the audio files of four stories, listen to an adult reading them a story and create their own story, their way. 

Please message me if you’d like to know more about my book or a signed copy.