Who has been helping you?
Who has been helping you?
I have been having a fantastic time networking and learning new skills.
At More Business Anyone (MBA) there was lively discussion and great connections were made.
The CIPD put on a webinar called ‘Coaching in a virtual landscape’. We all got a chance to connect and discuss issues that need to be thought about when coaching in a virtual world. I enjoyed meeting new people and came away with lots to think about.
Dom O’Neill ran a 5 day Video Challenge where he gave us lots of great info and encouraged us to create and post videos online. I was scared at the beginning of the week and am pleased to say a lot more confident by the end of the week.
I have plans to create videos for a project I am involved in with a school and now feel very confident about making my videos. It is such great fun!
If you need a helping hand to create videos contact Dom O’Neill and take the plunge, you won’t regret it.
If you have a book idea or something you are writing and don’t know what to do next please contact me. I’d love to help you.