What will you create?

What will you use your envelopes for?
I started another story over the weekend as part of the writing challenge, Isowrimo, from Indie Authors World. I am really enjoying diving into another world with new characters. Thank you Kim and Sinclair Macleod.
I was looking at my paper and thinking that I might have to buy some more, if I carry on writing at this pace, when I remembered a tip someone told me at a book fair I went to.
The person had created a book with the parts of envelopes, which had come from the post they had received, forming the pages. I thought this was genius and so simple. I would never have thought of doing this. I keep my envelopes now.
Have another look at your envelopes before you go to throw them out, maybe you could use them to create your own book or draw a picture.
Please tell someone about my tip if you think they would be interested.
(Photo courtesty of Pixabay)
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