What are you learning at the moment?

What are you learning at the moment?
Business Gateway are delivering their workshops online using Zoom and I was delighted to be involved in one called Mindset and mental health management.
Kirsty Rae led us through the importance of how we approach our mindset and the impact of our thoughts on our mental health.
I made lots of notes and enjoyed the conversations between everyone who was there at the workshop. Kirsty shared her daily practices and tools which I plan to implement.
I had been speaking to Rhonda Morris and she offered to help me learn how to use Zoom. She took me through everything that was on the screen and allowed me to play, helping me when I needed it. I am very grateful for all her time.
Thank you to Rhonda Morris, Kirsty Rae and Business Gateway East Dunbartonshire.
I am discovering lots of new ways to walk at the moment and loving the photo opportunities that are presenting themselves. The photo in this post was taken when I was out walking and the sun was shining.
Please contact me if you would like help with any aspects of writing.
I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contact me.