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What are you grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

With the arrival of the Coronavirus I am experiencing deep uncertainty and fear.  I have never felt so bewildered before.

Out of this are coming opportunities I am grateful for. Business Gateway put on a workshop, using Zoom, called – How to generate alternative sources of income.

This was excellent, a chance to connect with people, learn something and exchange ideas of what we can all do at this time.

Also Biscotti Digital is running a marketing challenge, which I am excited to be taking part in as I need to learn all that I can about marketing.

I love learning and am finding the new opportunities presenting themselves a great way to conqueror my fears.

I may surprise myself with what I have achieved by the time life gets back to what I know as ‘normal’.

If you think I can help you please contact me.

(Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contact me.